Best toyota hilux 2011
Toyota Hilux engine several times since 1968 when first released Hilux has changed. Then by small, 1.5-liter 4 - cylinder was driven. Since then several times in some models to maintain a motor 4 - cylinder evolved but now they are bigger, stronger and even turbo or diesel-powered (or both), while some models made Jump was larger engine displacement V6. In this paper a summary of the timeline on the Toyota Hilux engine I have.

Toyota 4x4 hilux haciendo travesia 2011
Toyota Motor Research
Research engine family of engines first for the Toyota Hilux was mercy. Motor gasoline R 4 - cylinder (gasoline), which in various forms from 1968 to 1995 were used. 2R, 3R, 8R, 8R - C, 8R - Electronics, 12R, 18R, 18R - C, 18R - Electronics, 20R, 22R, 22R - Send and 22R - bottom of all the changes the family had to research engine used in the Hilux . 2R was initially 1.5-liter, which was raised by the various reforms and 2.4-liter plant - 22R E, used was in 1995. 22R has a reputation as one of the best engines ever for Toyota Hilux Long life and reliability are used to easily now 500,000 kilometers (300,000 miles).

Toyota hilux kavak 2011
Toyota Motor Vz
First buzzing V6 engine family already in Toyota Hilux used. Vz engine ran on petrol (gasoline) and all versions are featured electronic fuel injection. Hilux is 3VZ 1988 - 1995 at which time it used to be applied 5VZ. Displacement increased from 3.0 to 3.4 liters and 112 kW of power jumped (150 hp) to 142 (190 hp). 5VZ (or 5VZ - be careful finite element) has been touted as the best V6 engines ever Toyota Hilux for its reliability, low weight and excellent fuel economy are used. Hilux 3VZ engine owners often seek 5VZ instead of rebuilding or replacement of 3VZ km above the problem and install.

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