Opções para "envenenar" o carro

Receitas mais procuradas são a preparação aspirada, instalação de turbo e reprogramação do chip da injeção. A potência pode dobrar. Custos variam entre R$ 200 e R$ 8 mil.
Quem nunca sonhou em transformar o carro - mesmo que ele seja um popular 1.0 - num verdadeiro "bólido"? O que muitos motoristas não sabem é que existem várias alternativas para se aumentar a potência de um automóvel. Na realidade, a receita a ser utilizada irá depender do resultado desejado e do bolso de cada um. Entre os métodos mais utilizados estão a preparação aspirada, a instalação de turbo e a reprogramação do chip do módulo de gerenciamento da injeção eletrônica.

No caso da preparação aspirada, explica Fabio Ditzel, proprietário da Auto Mecânica Ditzel, o objetivo é aumentar a capacidade de admissão de mistura ar / combustível no motor aspirado, através do aumento da área de passagem ou do tempo de admissão do ar a ser utilizado na queima de combustível. Esse tipo de serviço é feito, principalmente, em veículos carburados (mais antigos) e compreende a substituição e ajuste de vários componentes do motor.
Se a pessoa não estiver disposta a desembolsar muito, no máximo R$ 800, a opção será fazer uma preparação aspirada "leve", que irá compreender basicamente o rebaixamento do cabeçote (que diminui o volume da taxa de combustão e aumenta a taxa de compressão) e a troca do comando de válvulas - alterações que podem elevar a potência de um carro em até 30%.
Por outro lado, uma preparação aspirada mais pesada pode chegar a custar mais de R$ 8 mil. Isto porque este tipo de "mexida" compreende a instalação de carburadores maiores, aumento dos dutos de cabeçote, colocação de filtros de ar de maior vazão e substituição do comando de válvulas por um de perfil mais agressivo, além da redução do peso da biela e virabrequim (através de usinagem) ou a troca das peças originais fundidas por forjadas (mais resistentes). Com essa mudanças, a potência de um Opala 4.1 pode ser aumentada de 170 cv para 400 cv.
Mas não existem só vantagens numa preparação aspirada. Dependendo dos componentes adotados, pode ocorrer perda de torque em baixa rotação, e nos casos mais extremos a marcha-lenta será prejudicada. Por isso, a escolha dos componentes deve ser feita com critério para não afetar a dirigibilidade no trânsito. Outro efeito colateral da preparação aspirada é que o consumo do carro irá aumentar em até 20%. Um serviço de preparação aspirada leva de dois dias (leve) a duas semanas (pesado) para ser concluído.
Outra forma de se "envenenar" um veículo é a instalação de turbo. Esse sistema se baseia num eixo com dois rotores. Um deles (a turbina, ou parte quente) é impulsionado pelos gases de escapamento, fazendo girar o outro rotor (o compressor, ou parte fria), que admite o ar externo e o força para dentro dos cilindros do propulsor do carro. Resultado: o motor ganha condições de produzir ainda mais potência e torque, com a vantagem de serem obtidos em regimes próximos aos do propulsor original.
E o aumento de potência realmente pode ser grande, dependendo das dimensões da turbina e se a instalação do equipamento for aliada a uma preparação do motor. Num Golf 1.8 (antigo), por exemplo, a potência gerada poderia saltar dos originais 98 cv para 200 cv. Já no caso dos veículos 1.0, o incremento de potência é menor, em média 20%.
Um ponto negativo da instalação de turbo é o desgaste precoce do propulsor. O motivo, observa Jaime Nunez, proprietário da Chil Car, oficina especializada em preparações, é que as peças originais de um propulsor aspirado são projetadas para um determinado desempenho. Com a instalação do turbo, esses componentes acabam sendo muito mais exigidos, o que aumenta o desgaste e reduz a vida útil das peças. Além disso, o consumo do carro terá um aumento de até 30%.
Quanto ao custo de instalação do turbo, ele varia entre R$ 600 (um kit usado) e R$ 3 mil (um sistema novo), mas a recomendação dos proprietários de oficinas é que os motoristas sempre optem por kits de turbo novos. A instalação do sistema leva, no máximo, dois dias.
Outro serviço muito utilizado por pessoas que desejam envenenar um veículo é a reprogramação do chip do módulo de gerenciamento da injeção eletrônica. Através de um computador, dotado de um programa capaz de modificar instruções armazenadas no chip, é possível adiantar o ponto de ignição e injetar mais gasolina na câmara de combustão em determinadas faixas de rotação. Com isso, um carro 1.0 pode ter sua potência aumentada em até 10% e a de um modelo turbo elevada em até 50%.
De acordo com Alberto Gonzalez, proprietário da Tecnicar, oficina especializada na reprogramação de chips, o custo deste tipo de serviço varia de acordo com o tipo de módulo de injeção e o modelo de carro. Uma reprogramação num carro 1.0 custa, em média, R$ 200. Já num Golf, Audi A3 e modelos importados a despesa pode variar entre R$ 350 e R$ 1,2 mil. O serviço leva em média meio dia. Como nas demais alterações no motor, a reprogramação do chip também traz efeitos colaterais: aumento de consumo (de até 30%) e elevação do índice de emissão de poluentes.
Uma nova receita para se envenenar automóveis vem conquistando muitos adeptos em todo o Brasil. A febre é o Nitro, um sistema que funciona com um cilindro recarregável que injeta uma substância (óxido nitroso) na câmara de combustão do veículo. Com isso, o carro ganha subitamente, por alguns segundos, até 120 cavalos a mais de potência e o motorista tem a sensação de estar num "foguete": leva um coice e fica grudado no banco.
Seu uso, no entanto, é recomendado apenas em pistas de corrida, devido aos problemas que esse tipo de sistema poderia causar no trânsito urbano. Outro aspecto sedutor do Nitro é a forma de acionamento. O sistema entra em funcionamento através de uma chave, localizada no painel ou junto ao câmbio, semelhante a utilizada nos caças para a liberação de míssil.
Quanto ao custo de instalação, ele varia entre R$ 1,8 mil (com um bico de injeção) e R$ 2,2 mil (com quatro bicos de injeção). Um cilindro de Nitro permite entre 40 e 45 injetadas de óxido nitroso. A recarga desse componente sai por R$ 165,00.
Segundo Caio Cartaxo, vendedor da Race Force, loja especializada na venda de kits e componentes para preparação de automóveis, a instalação do cilindro é feita no porta-malas ou atrás do banco do motorista. Ele garante que o óxido nitroso não é inflamável. Ou seja, não existe a possibilidade do cilindro explodir no interior do veículo.
Revisões e documentação
Quem pretende incrementar ainda mais a potência do carro, não pode esquecer de que não é apenas o motor que precisa receber atenção. O veículo precisa passar por uma revisão completa, incluindo o sistema de direção, freios, suspensão e refrigeração, pois com as alterações do propulsor o carro terá um outro comportamento dinâmico. Também é interessante que os motoristas façam as trocas de óleo e filtros nos prazos recomendados pelos fabricantes. Além disso, vale a pena sempre conferir se o nível de água do radiador está completo, já que os componentes do propulsor serão muito mais exigidos. Um outro cuidado importante que os motoristas devem ter é em averiguar se a mudança realizada no carro não precisa de regularização junto ao Detran.
Instalação de turbo e mudanças radicais no motor, por exemplo, exigem autorização prévia do órgão de trânsito, que depois irá emitir (após uma inspeção) um novo Certificado de Registro e Licenciamento de Veículo (CRLV). Dirigir um carro fora das especificações descritas no CRLV pode dar multa de R$ 127,69 e perda cinco pontos no prontuário, pois é uma infração grave de trânsito.

fonte; http://www.motoronline.com.br/fichatec/veneno.htm

Fisker Karma Makes European Debut at Monaco Grand Prix

Visitors to the world’s most prestigious motorsport event, the Formula One Monaco Grand Prix, were among the first to see the first Fisker Karma off the production line put through its paces as it made its European driving debut on the famous street circuit.

On Saturday 28 May 2011, before official race qualifying began, the first European production version of the Fisker Karma, the world’s first true Electric Vehicle with extended range, took to the streets of Monaco, completing a couple of laps.

The vehicle was piloted by Albert II, Sovereign Prince of Monaco. His Serene Highness was joined during this momentous occasion by company co-founder, CEO and executive design director, Henrik Fisker. This event marked the first dynamic, public showing of the Karma in Europe.

Fisker commented: “The Fisker Karma project has a distinct Monaco link. Prince Albert was one of the people who inspired me to create the Fisker Karma. When I met him at the Top Marques Show in Monaco in 2006 he commented that he would love to see a fuel-efficient luxury car, and from that small seed grew the concept of what became Fisker Automotive and our focus on premium EVer cars that deliver pure driving passion.

“We want to thank both the principality of Monaco and Prince Albert for not only being the inspiration, but also a great support for our groundbreaking automotive green initiative,” continued Fisker.

Designed to reflect Henrik’s paradigm of Responsible Luxury™, the Fisker Karma is the first American-designed and engineered luxury vehicle specifically developed to appeal to world markets. It is the only luxury sedan in the world that meets future fuel consumption and emission requirements, making it suitable for any international city.

The Karma was also on static display during the race weekend, both at the chicane exiting the tunnel, turns 10 and 11, otherwise known as the Nouvelle Chicane, and thereafter in Cavallari – Monaco Motors, Fisker’s newest dealership, located on 6- 11 rue Princesse Florestine, MC 98000.

The only true Electric Vehicle with extended range, the Fisker Karma drives its rear wheels using two rear-mounted 201.5 horsepower (150 kW) electric traction motors that draw energy from the lithium-ion battery pack for up to 50 miles (80 km). The gasoline engine drives a 175 kW electric generator to power the motors; there is no mechanical link between this engine and the drive motors.

Uniquely, the Fisker Karma can run in one of two drive modes: Stealth and Sport. Stealth Mode maximizes efficiency, giving the car its greatest range on battery power before activating the gasoline engine-driven generator to sustain battery charge. In Stealth Mode, the Karma can accelerate from zero to 60 mph (97 km/h) in 7.9 seconds and achieve a top speed of 95 mph (153 km/h). With Sport Mode engaged, the gasoline engine drives the generator to provide enough electricity for 403 total system horsepower, allowing the Karma to accelerate from zero to 60 mph in just 5.9 seconds and achieve a top speed of 125 mph (201 km/h).

In all aspects of performance, the Fisker Karma is designed to be a true driver’s car. Its proprietary, advanced aluminum space frame incorporates new levels of rigidity and strength that give the Karma world-class ride and handling characteristics. Fisker Automotive’s engineering team designed the Karma’s space frame around the car’s unique powertrain, filing for multiple patents in the process.

Benefitting from a four-wheel independent SLA (double-wishbone) suspension, also employing aluminum components, the Karma has been specifically tuned to run on standard 22-inch aluminum wheels, a first for a production car.

Production of the Fisker Karma recently started at Valmet Automotive’s Uusikaupunki facility in Finland with Fisker aiming to achieve full build rate by the second half of 2011. It is Fisker’s plan to deliver vehicles to all current deposit holders during the 2011 model year.

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UPS Composite Van Boost MPG by 40%

UPS plans to launch a composite plastic truck that's 500 kg lighter than a standard one, gets 40 percent better fuel economy and helps save 84 million gallons of fuel annually?

Through December of this year, the company is testing five new prototype trucks. The CV-23 is the product of Utilimaster and Isuzu. During an eight-month testing period, the new trucks will get heavy usage on some of UPS's most punishing routes, in Lincoln, Nebraska; Albany, New York, and Tucson, Arizona.

UPS replaces 5,000 to 6,000 vehicles each year, as part of a constant process to maintain and update its worldwide fleet of 70,000-plus vehicles. While the CV-23 doesn't run an EV or Hybrid powertrain at the moment, UPS have been fairly active in testing both fully electric and innovative hybrid systems so we look forward to the company combining EV and plastic for even greater energy savings.

Fullycharged John O'Groats to Lands end in a Tesla [video]

John O'Groats to Lands end in a Tesla, the Rolls Royce 102 EX and the Vauxhall Ampera

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Toyota Hilux engine several times since 1968 when first released Hilux has changed. Then by small, 1.5-liter 4 - cylinder was driven. Since then several times in some models to maintain a motor 4 - cylinder evolved but now they are bigger, stronger and even turbo or diesel-powered (or both), while some models made Jump was larger engine displacement V6. In this paper a summary of the timeline on the Toyota Hilux engine I have.

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Toyota Motor Research

Research engine family of engines first for the Toyota Hilux was mercy. Motor gasoline R 4 - cylinder (gasoline), which in various forms from 1968 to 1995 were used. 2R, 3R, 8R, 8R - C, 8R - Electronics, 12R, 18R, 18R - C, 18R - Electronics, 20R, 22R, 22R - Send and 22R - bottom of all the changes the family had to research engine used in the Hilux . 2R was initially 1.5-liter, which was raised by the various reforms and 2.4-liter plant - 22R E, used was in 1995. 22R has a reputation as one of the best engines ever for Toyota Hilux Long life and reliability are used to easily now 500,000 kilometers (300,000 miles).

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Toyota Motor Vz

First buzzing V6 engine family already in Toyota Hilux used. Vz engine ran on petrol (gasoline) and all versions are featured electronic fuel injection. Hilux is 3VZ 1988 - 1995 at which time it used to be applied 5VZ. Displacement increased from 3.0 to 3.4 liters and 112 kW of power jumped (150 hp) to 142 (190 hp). 5VZ (or 5VZ - be careful finite element) has been touted as the best V6 engines ever Toyota Hilux for its reliability, low weight and excellent fuel economy are used. Hilux 3VZ engine owners often seek 5VZ instead of rebuilding or replacement of 3VZ km above the problem and install.

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RAV4, a model name that active recreation is an abbreviation of 4-wheel drive vehicle, a Toyota hybrid SUV capability and capacity of a compact car with driving an SUV with the location and size advantage. Car in a market dominated by large reportedly because of security and are happier for cars works, while the small car price and the ability to keep trying. Mitsubishi Outlander SUV models like the other car in the same small, followed suit with designs. Toyota RAV4, as it originally was from four in 1990 was introduced in Europe and Japan's Toyota sold home, but the RAV4 was the North American car market two years later in 1990, introduced six.

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The first two-and four-door RAV4 vary with options for 2 thousand years between 1990 and came sixth. Both manual and automatic transmissions produced, used for both American, Japanese and European markets to meet. A new eight was in 1990 for the RAV4 two-door soft-top variation, which was sold only in the U.S. market with the introduction.

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Two thousand and one, and in 2005 between the second generation RAV4 was launched with two variants produced. Edge models and more basic color coded bumpers found on the cruiser model was used without. Two thousand and four car with a new style and sophisticated equipment upgrades so. Before the sale RAV4s promote the new generation was introduced which was RAV4 CV game introduced two thousand and five with a more sporty and aggressive styling.

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What Are the Main Tourist Attractions in Europe?

People who love to travel the world and enjoy discovering interesting, amazing, fun-filled and intriguing sites are often drawn to the attractions in Europe. With such a vast array of tourist attractions and diverse destinations, which are all in fairly close proximity, Europe is undoubtedly a great place to take a vacation.

Whether the traveler wants to enjoy a wonderfully romantic vacation, an engaging and activity-filled family vacation, or just a leisurely, quiet and relaxing getaway, European destinations should be on high on the list potential travel spots. With an array of attractions in every European country, there is going to be something that appeals to everyone, since there is a multitude of things to see and to do. There are many, very valid reasons why a European vacation consistently stands out as a favorite of world travelers, since it includes some of the best travel destinations in the world.

There is an amazing amount of history that one can see in diverse attractions in towns and cities all across Europe. For the traveler who is enthralled with ancient history, the venerable ruins and museums of both Greece and Rome are sites that simply must not be missed and which are always a strong draw.

In addition, Rome also holds an enormous amount of religious significance for countless people. Rome not only houses several beautiful and noteworthy Christian cathedrals, it is also the portal to the Vatican and Vatican city, which is actually a tiny country in and of itself.

There are also fabulous historical attractions in other cities and countries of Europe as well. The formidable medieval castles and spectacular cathedrals that can be found throughout Spain, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and many other countries are fascinating for travelers to explore, as most tours of castles and cathedrals are more like fabulous art history and art museum excursions.

These medieval attractions in all parts of Europe also provide the visitors with unique insights into the lives of the people who lived in the middle ages. Walking through the courtyards, halls, and sanctuaries that were built through the hard work, craftsmanship, and devotion of the people of the time provides a connection to those responsible for the creation of these spectacular monuments that are still enjoyed and marveled at today.

Ireland is host to some amazing insights into their rich and ancient culture. The emerald isle has many peaceful local attractions throughout the serene and charming towns and the beautiful coastlines and landscapes of the island, as well as many splendid cathedrals and chapels from antiquity to explore.

The countries of Germany, Poland and France provide sobering and meaningful tourist attractions, as they are a connection to the two world wars and the cold war which held so many people of Europe in control for so many decades. The history museum sites in those countries help visitors understand the tragedies of war and the triumph of freedom and democracy.

On a less somber note, the countries of Italy, Spain and Greece each have a multitude of beaches that are sun drenched most of the year and are the perfect place for a couple that is looking for a bit of romance and a respite from the more hectic attractions in the cities. There are countless resorts on every section of the Mediterranean shore that will welcome and pamper the weary travelers.

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2010 Lexus lfa Nice View

Lexus announces today the official launch of the LFA, a two-seat supercar scheduled to go into production at the end of 2010 as the pinnacle of the Lexus 'F' premium sports car series. Pre-sales start today.

Ultra-responsive and extremely stable even when taken to the edge, the LFA creates a sense of reassurance that opens up a new world of driving emotion, exhilarating the senses to move the driver in more ways than one.

The LFA combines high output, superb chassis design and meticulous aerodynamics to achieve instantaneous total-vehicle response characterized by high-rev, seamless acceleration echoed by a self-defining resonance from its 4.8-liter V10.

Only 500 units of the LFA are to be produced and sold worldwide.

A prototype of the LFA is now on display at the 41st Tokyo Motor Show, which is open to the general public from October 24 to November 4 at Makuhari Messe in Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture.

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2010 Lexus lfa









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Mitsubishi target 25,000 i-MiEV sales in FY 2011

Mitsubishi Motors Corp is seeking to increase i-MiEV sales to the European public sector, such as police departments and municipalities.

The carmaker is betting that Europe’s public sector, which places a high importance on environmental protection, will be willing to swallow added expenses for EVs.

The firm intends to produce and ship 25,000 i-MiEVs worldwide in fiscal 2011 (including models built for PSA), a threefold jump on this year. Including sales to individuals and businesses, it seeks to ship about 15,000 units overseas, mainly to Europe.

The Mitsubishi iMiev Electric Car is now officially the biggest selling car in its segment in Norway.

VW Passat The Best Cars Photos

VW Passat
VW Passat
VW Passat

2011 vw passat new images

We first showed you the redesigned 2011 Volkswagen Passat B7 at its world premiere at the Paris Motor Show earlier this month, but thanks to the German automaker, we now have a plethora of new images that were released as the car goes on sale across Europe.

Available in both sedan and station wagon forms, the B7 Passat will be offered with a total of ten diesel and petrol engines ranging from the efficient 1.6-liter TDI with 105HP and a combined fuel consumption of 4.2 lt/100 km [56 mpg US] to a 300HP V6 unit combined with all-wheel drive that accelerates the saloon from zero to 100km/h (62mph) in just 5.5 seconds. For details on the engine range, scroll down for the release.

We'll remind you that VW won't offer the latest Passat in the States where it will be replaced by the forthcoming NMS (New Midsize Sean), which will be built at the firm's new factory in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

2011 vw passat

2011 vw passat

2011 vw passat

2011 vw passat

2011 vw passat

Yamaha R15

The Yamaha R15 in a brand new avatar was seen coming for quite some time now with spy shots of the motorcycle surfacing as early as late last year. But Yamaha India remains as tight lipped as ever with a terse, “we have no plans of launching the new R15″ being the standard reply to emails to their customer care department. In what appears to be the clearest images yet, the new Yamaha R15 has been scooped by a BikeAdvice reader, from what looks like a Yamaha production facility. 
Replete with new headlamps and tail lamps, with a raised rear like it’s elder brother, the legendary Yamaha R1, the new Yamaha R15 looks very sharp indeed. Some speculations put the power figure from the 150cc, four valve, DOHC liquid cooled engine to be 22 PS, which for now must be taken with a fistful of salt as there exists no confirmation for the bumped up power figure. The latest set of images definitely seem to indicate an R15 instead of the R15, due to the change in exhaust muffler and position of the front disc brake.

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Ferrari FF

By Wayne Armstrong

The Ferrari FF represents a number of firsts for Ferrari, and no, FF does not stand for Ferrari Firsts, although, perhaps it should. The FF actually stands for Ferrari Four. The car is a four seater, which is replacing the outgoing Ferrari 612 Scaglietti. However, Ferrari have made a number of four seaters before so that's not it. No, the second F stands for Four Wheel Drive. This is the first time that Ferrari has used four wheel drive on a road going production car.

Four wheel drive is not the only first for this car though. You cannot fail to notice the design of the FF as it is a radical departure from cars that have gone before it. The design is called 's
hooting brake' and could be seen as a cross between a coupe and an estate car. The other way of looking at it is - it's a hatchback! The interior space that this creates allows for up to 400 litres of luggage, but, wait for it, the rear seats also fold down allowing for this capacity to be doubled. Can you imagine doing you DIY shopping and being able to fit everything in the back of your Ferrari!
However, this is no Ford Focus. This hatchback has a mighty V12 engine sat up front which produces a heady 660 bhp and 504lb ft of torque. That's good enough to propel the Ferrari FF from zero to 62mph in 3.7 seconds, thanks in part to the 7 speed dual clutch transmission already in use in the Ferrari 458 Italia and the California. The top speed is not to be sniffed at either - 208mph. By the way, the engine at over 6.2 litres is the most powerful engine Ferrari have ever put into a production car and you may find it quite remarkable that such a unit returns a rather respectable (for this sort of car) 18mpg.
The bodywork design is from Ferrari's favourite style house, Pininfarina, but you wouldn't think so to look at it, such is the departure from previous designs. To be honest I think it is going to be a love it or hate it design but one thing is for sure, it certainly will turn heads.
It is quite clear too, that Ferrari is trying to increase the size of their target market with this car too. The four wheel drive system for example means that it will be driveable in many more variable road conditions, including rain and snow. The shooting brake design means that the car is also practical to use every day as you no longer need to make a choice between bringing the kids or the shopping back from the supermarket.
If this is the shape of things to come from Ferrari then I can't wait to see what the replacement for the 599 will look like.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6279305

Supercar Profile - Ferrari California

By Wayne Armstrong

The Ferrari California was first unveiled to an unsuspecting bunch of car enthusiasts at the Paris Motor Show in 2008. It is a 4 seat (to be honest it is more a 2+2) grand tourer sports car which lays claim to a number of firsts for the Italian supercar manufacturer.

For example, the Ferrari California is the first Ferrari to feature a folding metal roof. It had to come eventually I suppose, but Ferrari have taken their time to introduce this to their lineup. The beauty of designing such a feature is that Ferrari managed to achieve never before matched aerodynamic properties for a convertible. In fact, they spent a lot of time and money to get the aerodynamics right on this car. So much so, that
which a drag co-efficient of only 0.32, this is the most aerodynamic production road car Ferrari have ever produced.
Also, another first for a Ferrari is the fact that the Ferrari California features a V8 engine mounted up front. All previous front engined Ferraris have been V12s.
Thirdly, the California features a 7 speed dual clutch transmission, another first for a Ferrari production road car.
The extra engineering involved in the folding roof mechanism among other things makes the Ferrari California relatively heavy when compared to say, a Ferrari F430. You would think this would affect performance, and you would be right, except for the fact that dual clutch gear change mechanism improves acceleration so much that the California matches the F430's sprint time from zero to 62mph in less than four seconds. This is even more impressive when you consider that the up front V8 produces 30 horse power less than the F430's mid mounted unit.
Another first for a Ferrari road car is multi link rear suspension, which makes for superb handling.
One of the things that may not appeal to Ferrari customers is the look of the car. It is a bit of a departure from previous cars in the Ferrari stable. It's not an immediately likeable shape. Part of the problem is the need to incorporate the metal roof when it is folded, but opinion is divided. Some say they could have made a slightly greater effort to make the California prettier to look at.
The California is built in Maranello in a new production line at the side of the other cars in the Prancing Horse stable. Around 6000 Ferrari California's are built every year

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6279580

Ferrari 430 Scuderia Spider 16M

By Passione Rossa

Limited to only 499 passionate customers, the Ferrari 430 Scuderia Spider 16M is the convertible version of the 430 Scuderia and it is born to commemorate Ferrari's 16th victory in the Formula 1 Constructor's World Championship. The 430 Scuderia 16M is one of the best performing spider Ferrari has ever produced thanks to its superior performance and technological solutions derived from Formula One. Performing
0 - 62 mph in 3.7 seconds, the car is designed for fast and tight driving conditions and has a set up ideal for sport driving. Its performance at the Fiorano race track registered remarkable lap times lower than any other Ferrari spider models intended for the road. The 430 Scuderia 16M engine is an evolution of the F430's 4.3 liter V8 and features several modifications from its derived. Such innovations allow to boost performance and achieve a power of 118 CV/l for a total power output of 510 CV and, at the same time, to comply with the Euro4 and LEV2 standards exhaust emissions regulations. Significant changes have been done in regards to the body, chassis and the intensive use of carbon fiber.
The 430 Scuderia Spider is equipped with the F1-SuperFast2 gearbox, one of the latest evolutions from the F1 racing experience allowing reducing gear change time to 60 milliseconds. The E-Diff is now integrated with the vehicle's stability control systems and the torque is intelligently distributed to the wheels bringing considerable advantages in terms of performance, stability, safety and driving pleasure. The E-Diff, in particular, allows the driver to modify the car set up according to the road and driving conditions from the manettino mounted on the steering wheel. The 430 Scuderia Spider features the racing version of the Manettino, further enhanced options for a sportier driving. The F1-Trac provides ease of driving even in extreme conditions, maximum traction on exiting corners, constant performance and drive comfort.
Carbon fiber and aluminum line the cabin, whether the carbon-framed seats are covered in weight-saving cloth. There is a diamond-plate-style aluminum on the floor, accented by exposed welds. The Ferrari 16M weighs in around 3300 pounds, about 200 fewer pounds than an F430 Spider, or just over 200 more pounds than a 430 Scuderia.
Improved brake performances are provided by the Brembo braking system with carbon ceramic discs: the front discs, in particular, have a larger diameter allowing an improved rolling radius and breaking efficiency. The brake pedal remains consistent even on extreme race track situations and has been optimized for all driving conditions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5848667